Instrument engineer by profession, Yoga specialist by choice, Humorist by God's grace, Sunday painter, Photographer, Terrace gardener and Freelance writer among other things that keep me thankful for being alive on this divine earth.
I love children, and I find that they have a lot of wisdom and perspective on things that affect or enrich our lives.Looking at situations in various parts of this world through the eyes of the children in each country or location can have a tremendous effect on the way we see things that matter in life.
Nineteen teenagers express their perspectives in my book "" and it has been an eye opener for me as the author.
Humor Club Member
I am a life member of Humor Club International and that has helped me in looking at life situations without tension and too much seriousness.
As a photographer I have tried to capture the beauty of flowers for over forty years and I am still thrilled to see the amazing colors, designs and patterns in every bloom.
What a wonderful and colorful world of nature!
Yoga Teacher
I am a Yoga practitioner and teacher.
I would like to see the day when all schools all over the world include Yoga, Pranayama (Power Breathing techniques) and Dhyana (Meditation) as part of the curriculum to enrich the lives of all with good health, calm mind and kind heart to fellow beings.